Installing Hyper-V in Windows 11 Home Edition!
This blog aims to provide a step-by-step explanation of installing Hyper-V in Windows 11 Home Edition with a brief explanation of Virtualization & its need!
What is Virtualization & why do we need it?
In today’s modern world, where the data is increasing exponentially, there arises a need of storing it, processing it, & doing operations on top of that with the aim of fetching insights from it. In all the different fields/domains, we have to deal with huge data, & for every project that is been made, multiple environment support is also required. There is a need for development, testing, & production environment for each of the projects that are been made.
Also, while learning a lot of things, we need different kinds of resources, specifically, we need different OS to run some specific software, for example: “Ansible” is a configuration management tool from RedHat, it only works on Linux-based systems. We also need to run some programs in isolation so that they don’t hamper the current system.
Now, for all the different environments we have to create or while learning whatever we need, we will not go & buy new systems for the use-case. Therefore, we need a way using which we are able to provision new environments in the current system that we are using, & this way is known as “Virtualization”.
To use Virtualization, we have different kinds of hypervisors, & for hypervisors as well, we have multiple types, but that is out of scope for this blog, I will cover those details in another blog.
There are multiple software available in the market that allows you to perform Virtualization. Some of the examples are:
- Hyper-V (By Microsoft)
- VirtualBox
- VMWare
In this blog, we will see how to install Hyper-V in Windows 11 Home Edition, it comes pre-installed in Windows 11 Pro, Enterprise & Education edition, but unfortunately, it is not present in the Home Edition.
Therefore, let’s get started!
Installing Hyper- V in Windows 11 Home Edition!
Steps to install Hyper-V in Windows 11 Home Edition are:
- Open any text editor like Notepad/MS Word, or any other.
- Copy the content mentioned below in the file & save the file with the name “hyperv.bat”, & make sure that the extension is exactly the same, the name of the file can be different, but the extension needs to be exactly the same.
pushd "%~dp0"
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
del hyper-v.txt
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL
3. Then run this file as an “Administrator”, & once the execution is completed, then at last in the CMD, it will ask whether you want to restart your machine or not, just press “Y” there as a confirmation to restart your machine.
After the restart, Hyper-V will be installed on your machine. The proof for the same is that you can find the Hyper-V manager present in your machine.
I hope my article explains each and everything related to the topic with all the detailed concepts and explanations. Thank you so much for investing your time in reading my blog & boosting your knowledge. If you like my work, then I request you to applaud this blog & follow me on Medium, GitHub, & LinkedIn for more amazing content on multiple technologies and their integration!
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