Running a PostgreSQL app in Openshift & connecting to it!

Harshit Dawar
3 min readApr 15, 2023

This blog aims to create an application of PostgreSQL database into Openshift, & then connect to the database running in that application.


Postgresql is one of the most famous databases available & Openshift is the best tool available in the market for container orchestration. Therefore, working with both will be the best thing to do.

Let’s get started with it then.

Creating a Postgres Application in Openshift!

Any Openshift Environment can be used for the application deployment, whether cloud-based, on-premises, or playground based. Once you have the Openshift Environment ready with you, then you just have to perform the following steps to launch the Postgres application.

  1. Execute the below-mentioned command to run a Postgres application with the username & password of your choice, & make sure you remember these details or you can note it down somewhere.
# You can substitute your username & password in the below command!
oc new-app --image=postgres --name=database -e POSTGRES_USER=harshitdawar -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
Image from Author! — Deploying Postgres application in Openshift

2. You can run the below command to confirm whether the pod is running or not.

oc get pods
Image from Author! — Checking whether Postgres Pod is running or not!

3. Copy the pod name from the output of the above command & run the below command to connect to the pod.

oc rsh <pod name>
Image from Author! —Connecting to the Postgres Pod!

4. Running psql & listing the databases in it to verify the installation.

#  Run the below command with the username that you have entered while creating the application!
"psql -U <username> -W"

psql -U harshitdawar -W
Image from Author! — Running psql & listing the databases in it!

This completes the goal of the blog. Congratulations, you have now working Postgres application with you.

I hope my article explains each and everything related to the topic with all the detailed concepts and explanations. Thank you so much for investing your time in reading my blog & boosting your knowledge. If you like my work, then I request you to applaud this blog & follow me on Medium, GitHub, & LinkedIn for more amazing content on multiple technologies and their integration!

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Harshit Dawar

AIOPS Engineer, have a demonstrated history of delivering large and complex projects. 14x Globally Certified. Rare & authentic content publisher.